Meet The Owner
My name is Tracey and I am the Owner of Tracey’s Body Treats. I am a mother of four sons and an educator. I suffered from dry skin all my life! I mean severely dry skin. So dry that my mom used to put Crisco on my skin as a moisturizer when I was a child. (WHEW!) I tried several different moisturizers as I got older. I tried so many “lotions and potions” and none of them worked. I discovered shea butter about 20 years ago and started using that on my skin and it worked! I was ecstatic. A few years ago I tried body butter for the first time and fell in LOVE with the way it made my skin feel. After about a year of purchasing it, in 2018 I decided to make my own. My family was pleased so I continued to make It for them. I started giving samples away and other people started enjoying its benefits as well. So I decided to sell it and promote my products. I started out at different pop-up shops in the area then I grew my business on social media. Tracey’s Body Treats began to sell more than just body butter, I created beard butter, sugar scrubs, hair butter and body wash as well. I now have a wealth of customers who enjoy the benefits of my skincare products on a regular basis. Thank you so much for visiting my website and as always…”Treat Yourself”